"Whatever you find to do with your hands, do it with all your might." Ecc. 9:10

Friday, September 24, 2010

Shovels needed!

Hi all,
Well, today I was meeting the guy to install a chimney cap but again the rain has interrupted our plans. Being a 90 year old chimney, it was in need of repair along with adding a new damper and chimney cap, and gas logs. We have aleady removed the old fixture in the photo. Unfortunately, rain doesn't mix well with working in mortar and climbing up on a roof, so we are rescheduling for next week. I think we will still go up anyway and meet with a tree expert to see how bad off the pecan and elms really are before we take them out. This yard is half an acre and you would think there would be some decent trees on it.  There may have been at one time, but all the nice big ones seem to be too close to the house, power lines, or have holes in the trunks and look decayed....maybe time to go!  I bought a couple of live oaks and red oaks on sale at a nursery in Ft. Worth to replace them.  We have a chain saw, anybody got a good shovel?

1 comment:

  1. These places are great for "long lost parts" and you can get lost in them for hours (all in DFW area):
