"Whatever you find to do with your hands, do it with all your might." Ecc. 9:10

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another year gone by......We made some major improvements this year to the yard and flower beds. Dick spent most of January and February building this spectacular flagstone retaining wall around most of the rear yard. Then, came the worse part - filling it! First we made 16 (!!) trips to the Good Earth soil place to fill our pickup with good soil and amendments. Then, once back at the house, we proceeded to wheelbarrow it from the driveway over to the flower beds. Needless to say, several days and many Aleves later, I was ready to start filling the beds. I was so grateful to good friends who "passed along" plants and seeds to me to fill this large space. I also planted many perennials plants such as Earthkind roses, Gold Star Esperanzas, many different kinds of hybrid daylilies, wax myrtles, buddelia, herbs, and some annuals to fill in. They all performed really well. Even after another hot summer in Texas, we still have lots of pretty blooming flowers. Another highlight of our summer was hosting a Ridley Family Reunion in July. Relatives came from Alabama and Louisiana and much fun was had by all! In August, we had the grandkids up for our annual "Cousin's Camp." It is amazing how fast they grow up.

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